GUIA ARQUEIRO - ARCHER GUIDE - As aventuras do Braulio (iniciante)

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Registrado em: Dom Set 27, 2020 6:10 pm

GUIA ARQUEIRO - ARCHER GUIDE - As aventuras do Braulio (iniciante)

Mensagempor hugoseixas » Dom Set 27, 2020 7:17 pm


Bem vindos ao guia de aventuras do Braulio!
Welcome to Braulio's adventure guide!


Gostaria de compartilhar com vocês algumas experiências que tive até agora com um personagem arqueiro, nosso amigo Braulio!
I want to share with you some experiences I'm having with my archer character, our beloved friend Braulio!

Por enquanto ele está no level 21, então esse guia pode ser mais util para personagens nessa margem, especialmente para aqueles que acabaram de adiquirir as habilidades com o falcão.
He is currently level 21, so this guide is for people around this level, specially for those who just reached level 20 and unlocked the falcon abilities.


Essa é a lista das minhas habilidades:
Here is a list of the skills I have at the moment:

  • First Aid - 1
  • Double Shot -1
  • Lethal Arrow -1
  • Double Regeneration -1
  • Speed Increase - 1
  • Critical Attack - 1
  • Call of the Hawk - 1
  • Falcon Invested - 1
(CH = Call of the Hawk, LA = Lethal Arrow, DS = Double Shot, FI = Falcon Invested)



Logo quando adquiri as habilidades com o falcão, fiquei um pouco frustrado, foi um pouco dificil de usar elas no inicio, mas depois de treinar um pouco descobri que podem ser habilidades muito uteis para o arqueiro! Você só precisa pegar a cadência entre chamar os dois falcões e envia-los para a investida. Eu acabei gostando bastante da idéia por trás das habilidades do falcão, ela força os jogadores a serem bem ativos no combate, e a serem criativos ao lidar com diferentes tipos de inimigos.
Right after I have unlocked the falcon skills I felt very frustrated with the skills, it can be a little bit awkward in the beginning, but after practicing a little I found that it can be very effective! You just need to adapt to the timing between calling the falcon and sending the attack. And I actually like the concept behind the falcons ability, it forces the player to be active and creative when dealing with enemies.

A estratégia que tenho usado gasta bastante mana, mas resolvi isso fazendo missões diárias e comprando potes de mana com o prêmio, então não preciso gastar ouro com isso (guardo esse ouro para comprar flechas mais fortes).
It can be quite expensive for mana, my solution is to complete daily missions and buy mana potions with the prize, so I don't need to spend gold.

Na minha opinião, um bom jeito de usar o falcão é utilizando em combo com Double Shot e Lethal Arrow. Normalmente estou fazendo isso de duas maneiras (mas não vejam isso como regra):
So in my opinion a nice way to use the falcon is using with as a combo with Double Shot and Lethal Arrow, right now I'm doing this in two ways:

  • O primeiro combo segue essa sequência: CH -> LA -> DS -> CH -> FI
  • The first combo follows this sequence: CH -> LA -> DS -> CH -> FI

Eu acho que esse combo é ótimo se você precisa matar o monstro rápido, já que o tempo necessário para soltar as habilidades CH -> LA -> DS são suficientes para recarregar o segundo CH, você tem que ser rápido, mas sem afocação pra não perder a sequência. Eu gostei bastante de usar isso contra monstros que tem ataque a distância forte, mas que tem pouca vida, assim você evita de ter que ficar correndo deles, se expondo ao ataque de outros monstros que estejam próximos. Minha arma favorita pra esse combo é a besta, pois ela vai dar os maiores danos com as habilidades, então aumenta as chances de matar o monstro com apenas um combo.
I think this combo works great if you want to finish the enemy as fast as possible, since the time necessary for the CH -> LA -> DS skills are enough for the second CH, you have to be quick, but remain calm to get the sequence right. I liked using it against ranged monsters, it is annoying to keep running from them and that can get you in trouble if there are other enemies around. My favorite weapon to use with this combo is the crossbow, since it deals more damage with the skills, and luckily you won't need a lot of extra shots to kill the monster.

Um exemplo desse combo contra Glowing Ants:
This is an example against Glowing Ants:


  • O segundo combo segue essa sequência: CH -> LA -> CH -> FI -> DS
  • The second combo follows this sequence: CH -> LA -> CH -> FI -> DS
Nessa sequência você deve ser mais paciente para esperar o CH recarregar, é uma cadência mais lenta que o primeiro combo. Essa sequência é legal para aproveitar ao máximo o efeito de redução da velocidade dos inimigos do FI, te dando mais tempo para se afastar do monstro para seguir com DS. Eu achei esse combo melhor contra monstros mais lentos, de ataque corpo a corpo ou com alcance mais curto. Eu senti que esse combo funcionou melhor com o arco curto para matar monstros como os Crocodrills, já que normalmente eu precisei de alguns tiros extras pra mata-los, o arco curto tem uma velocidade legal e é mais seguro que a besta. Então com inimigos de curto alcance que batem forte, eu recomendaria esse combo utilizando arco curto ou longo.
In this sequence you have to be more patient to wait for the cool-down of CH, you have to keep a smooth cadence. This sequence is nice to take the full advantage of FI, since it slows down your enemy, so you have time to take some distance before killing it. I found this more effective against melee monsters, specially when using the short bow, I felt better with it when killing Crocodrills, since I usually needed some extra shots to kill it, and the short bow have a nice speed and is safer than the crossbow. So with slow melee enemies that can hit hard, I would recommend this combo with short or long bow.

Exemplo da segunda sequência contra Crocodrills:
Here an example with the second sequence:



Também consegui matar Trolls sem muitos problemas! Nomalmente duas séries do segundo combo eram o suficiente para matar eles (usando flechas nivel 3). Nesse caso preferi utilizar o arco longo, já que eu podia atirar de longe e evitar uns atáques em área dos Trolls. Eu estava utilizando Asterin Boots e Ring of Haste 1, que aumentam velocidade de movimento, e me ajudaram a manter a disância dos monstros, mas não acho que eles foram essenciais.
Also handled Trolls without too much problem! Usually two series of the second sequence are enough to kill them (used tier 3 arrows). Used the long bow to be safer (was the weapon that I felt most comfortable to confront them). Also used Asterin Boots and Ring of Haste 1, they helped to walk faster and avoid Trolls attacks, although I don't think they were essential.




Eu acho que qualquer uma das três armas são jogaveis com esse estilo de jogo, cada uma com suas peculiaridades. Esses combos tem sido bem eficientes no meu jogo, e senti que acelerou bastante minhas caçadas depois de começar a suar as habilidades com o falcão. Eu não tenho certeza de como essa estratégia funciona com monstros mais fortes, mas vou tentar!
I think any of the weapons available for archers can be used here, depending on how is your style of gameplay. It have been very effective for me and I felt a great speed up in my hunting after I started using the falcon skills. I'm not sure how this strategy works for stronger monsters but I'm going to try!

De resto eu recomendo bastante o uso dos atalhos, usar barra de espaço para atacar, loot automático, e atalhos de habilidades que sejam rápidos e confortáveis para você, isso vai deixar o jogo bem mais fluido e mais fácil de por em prática. Também sempre fique atento para evitar de ser cercado! Mantenha a calma e vá avançando com cuidado (especialmente em áreas desconhecidas), mesmo monstros fracos podem entrar no seu caminho, te deixando preso e te colocando em perigo!
For the rest I strongly advise the use of keyboard shortcuts, the space-bar to attack, automatic loot and assigned skills, this will make this strategy much easier to be put in practice. Also always be careful to avoid getting surrounded! Keep calm and advance cautiously, even weak monsters can block the path and get you in trouble!

É isso por enquanto! Estou gostando bastante desse jogo, e estou me divertindo muito com o arqueiro, os desenvolvedores fizeram um ótimo trabalho!
Eu espero que esse guia possa ajudar alguém, e que vocês se divirtam o tanto quanto eu!
That's it for now! I'm really enjoying this game, and I'm having a lot of fun with the archer class, really nice work from the developers.
I hope that this can help someone, and that you're having as much fun as I am!


Editado pela última vez por hugoseixas em Seg Set 28, 2020 10:31 pm, em um total de 3 vezes.

Mensagens: 457
Registrado em: Sex Jun 29, 2018 10:32 am
Localização: Maceió - AL

Re: ARCHER GUIDE - Braulio's adventure (begginer)

Mensagempor megalhoes » Seg Set 28, 2020 6:50 pm


Hello everyone!

I want to share with you some experiences I'm having with my archer character, the brave Braulio!

He is currently level 21, so this guide is for people around this level, specially for those who just reached level 20 and unlocked the falcon abilities.


Here is a list of the skills I have at the moment:

  • First Aid - 1
  • Double Shot -1
  • Lethal Arrow -1
  • Double Regeneration -1
  • Speed Increase - 1
  • Critical Attack - 1
  • Call of the Hawk - 1
  • Falcon Invested - 1

Right after I have unlocked the falcon skills I felt very frustrated with the skills, it can be a little bit awkward in the beginning, but after practicing a little I found that it can be very effective! You just need to adapt to the timing between calling the falcon and sending the attack. And I actually like the concept behind the falcons ability, it forces the player to be active and creative when dealing with enemies.

It can be quite expensive for mana, my solution is to complete daily missions and buy mana potions with the prize, so I don't need to spend gold.

So in my opinion a nice way to use the falcon is using with as a combo with Double Shot and Lethal Arrow, right now I'm doing this in two ways:

  • The first combo follows this sequence: CH -> LA -> DS -> CH -> FI
(CH = Call of the Hawk, LA = Lethal Arrow, DS = Double Shot, FI = Falcon Invested)

I think this combo works great if you want to finish the enemy as fast as possible, since the time necessary for the CH -> LA -> DS skills are enough for the second CH, you have to be quick, but remain calm to get the sequence right. I liked using it against ranged monsters, it is annoying to keep running from them and that can get you in trouble if there are other enemies around. My favorite weapon to use with this combo is the crossbow, since it deals more damage with the skills, and luckily you won't need a lot of extra shots to kill the monster.

This is an example against Glowing Ants:


  • The second combo follows this sequence: CH -> LA -> CH -> FI -> DS
In this sequence you have to be more patient to wait for the cool-down of CH, you have to keep a smooth cadence. This sequence is nice to take the full advantage of FI, since it slows down your enemy, so you have time to take some distance before killing it. I found this more effective against melee monsters, specially when using the short bow, I felt better with it when killing Crocodrills, since I usually needed some extra shots to kill it, and the short bow have a nice speed and is safer than the crossbow. So with slow melee enemies that can hit hard, I would recommend this combo with short or long bow.

Here an example with the second sequence:



Also handled Trolls without too much problem! Usually two series of the second sequence are enough to kill them (used tier 3 arrows). Used the long bow to be safer (was the weapon that I felt most comfortable to confront them). Also used Asterin Boots and Ring of Haste 1, they helped to walk faster and avoid Trolls attacks, although I don't think they were essential.




I think any of the weapons available for archers can be used here, depending on how is your style of gameplay. It have been very effective for me and I felt a great speed up in my hunting after I started using the falcon skills. I'm not sure how this strategy works for stronger monsters but I'm going to try!

For the rest I strongly advise the use of keyboard shortcuts, the space-bar to attack, automatic loot and assigned skills, this will make this strategy much easier to be put in practice. Also always be careful to avoid getting surrounded! Keep calm and advance cautiously, even weak monsters can block the path and get you in trouble!

That's it for now! I'm really enjoying this game, and I'm having a lot of fun with the archer class, really nice work from the developers.
I hope that this can help someone, and that you're having as much fun as I am!



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